Become a Sponsor

Associate Level - $500

5 tickets per show. Name/brand recognition on website and social media.

Producer Level - $1000

10 tickets per show. Name/brand recognition on website and social media. Recognized in all earned media, the press release, and in the program.

Director Level - $2500

15 tickets per show. Name/brand recognition on website and social media. Recognized in all earned media, the press release, and in the program. 15 tickets to the closing show afterparty.

Title Sponsor - $5000+

20 tickets per show. Name/brand recognition on the website and social media. Recognized in all earned media, the press release, and in the program. 20 tickets to the closing show afterparty.

As a 501C3 Nonprofit, all donations made are Tax Deductible

For more information on sponsorship, please contact us at